Which Type Of Thermometer Suitable For Baby?
Which Type Of Thermometer Suitable For Baby? Forehead no touch or by ear? Anyone can advise which is more accurate?

My PD says the most accurate one is those traditional stick in a** kind. Else, in ear is better. Cos the forehead kind, temperature may varies depending on which side baby is lying on too
The type you insert in the armpit is still the best for babies under 3 months. At 3 months, the ear thermometer would be an excellent choice. I’m using Braun.
Ear is more accurate than forehead but might be an issue to use ear thermometer when less than 3 months as their ears would be very small.
I use the infrared on the forehead cos my baby don't like the one put on the armpit
Both are accurate so I've a thermometer that works both ways(:
Mothercare sell tommee tippee ear thermometer quite accurate
Nb, will be armpit. Once 6mths cn consider ear therm
Forehead and ear both works fine
Braun forehead thermometer