Seat at MRT
What do u mummies do to get seat at MRT? Some commuters are really nice. The moment they see my baby bump they offer seat. Some they see closely then pretend. Either pretend to sleep or see the HP. I am anemic I can't stand too long. It's torturous to go to work everyday.

I’ve not asked for a seat and had only been offered once for a seat in the train. You may want to stand near the priority seat and see if the person sitting will give it up. Other than that, I’ve been taking a lot of buses because there tend to be seats. Taking MRT gives me too much anxiety on whether i’ll get a seat and if i don’t I have to stand for so long. Pls takecare, if you don’t mind asking, you should do it!
Read moreThroughout my pregnancy, I took cabs most of the time. Only on certain non-peak period & with my husband beside me then I am permitted to take buses or trains. If your bump is not obvious, seldom will have anyone giving up seat to you. So far only the aunties/uncles or elderly gave up seat for me. Haven't met any younster who do the same.
Read moreMe too, cannot stand too long if not I will feel like want to fainted. Every time I must make sure have seat then I will board the train. I'm now 4m+ pregnancy, the baby bump not so obvious, hard to get ppl to give seat. Sometimes I still need to give seat to others like elderly becoz nobody want to bother
Read moreForget it. We shall be strong mummies. Now standing on the train and I will not forget that there was once I was seating down then I turn my bag this young boy didn't like it then he elbow me then before he alight he point middle finger at me. Seriously I wonder what is wrong with all these people
I think the best way to go about it is to ask. I feel like some people have the heart to give up seat but just don’t know how to tell if we’re just pregnant or (fat). And they scared to be paiseh if the person ends up to not be pregnant and offended. Happened to me before once...
Yes! As a commuter,unless the lady's bump is obvious,i would be way too paiseh to ask. What if the person isnt pregnant omg haha
Most of the time ppl just ignore. Either sleep or watching their phone with ear piece on. Some even worse, look at you then continue to ignore. So far those giving seat to me are young lady and old uncle 😂 don't know what's wrong with aunty and young man 🤣
Agree! I was walking to the empty reserved seat and a auntie just ran in and stood there.and ask her friend to sit instead 🙃
I also can't stand too long, especially during my third trimester... I'm lucky was my husband send and fetch me to and from work. Because peak hour timing crowded confirm push you to a corner no handle or pole. Jialat. I'm so afraid of the mrt sudden break.
I rarely got offered a seat when i was pregnant (pretty sure my bump was obvious) i get pretty angry every time i take the public transport. During peak hour at busy stations i would head to mrt doors with staff manning them so they would help get me a seat 😅
Stand near the reserve seat area. Then sayang2 ur bump the moment u enter into the train. It works most of the time. And of coz, wear proper maternity clothes that can help enhance your bump :)
Try to rub your tummy more often and people will realise you are pregnant. Usually uncles and aunties have their seats to me. Secondary school students will just pretend not to see you
Mumsie of an enthusiastic explorer