Public kindness movement

Any mummy feels that the society is getting less kind hearted? I remember during my first pregnancy, people will give up seats immediately when they see a pregnant lady walk into the mrt or bus. But nowadays I seldom see people give up seats for needy, some are sleeping or playing with their phones, and got several times, I witness that people saw but they pretend never see it. Thought if I really need the seat, I will request directly, but I really worry about the society nowadays. I am wondering if I am thinking too much or just unlucky?

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You are right. Nowadays people don’t really care to give up their seats for pregnant ladies. Most of them pretend to be asleep or be engrossed in their gadgets. Being pregnant is already tough enough esp when you are in your third trimester and you are really exhausted and experiencing back and leg pain. Wish people will be more nicer and be more kind towards pregnant ladies and understand that. Some of them don’t even care if your pregnant and literally push you and hit you and come in your way in public which really infuriates me. Like be gentle.

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1y trước

normal la those kiasu aunties likes to push n bang ppl

no youre not thinking too much. society is def less kind hearted now.. just saw a vid of a heavily preg woman who had to stand up the entire mrt ride home. and from the replies, most ppl r saying that if she wanted a seat, she should hv asked instead of waiting for someone to give up their seat. even some comments saying that other ppl hv just as much right to the seat as to the preg woman..

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Yes you’re right! Not only about giving up seat, even some walk and bang onto you (obvious baby bump) they also won’t apologise.. I just experienced twice today alone, which my husband always remind me nowadays people won’t care so is better we own self have self-awareness, but problem is my bump heavy lei that why I walk slow! 😅

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I stand in front of them and all of them pretend not to see me. I board a crowded bus and 2 ladies were sitting at the reserved seats saw me and pretend they didnt see me. It was an old lady who saw me and offered me her seat.

once my husband pointed out a seat for me, a karen who was looking at her phone initially literally ran over and took the seat. i thought i was the only one who thinks something is wrong with this society 😅

Same, no one gave up their seats for me on the mrt, and it's always the working adults ones I see sitting on reserved seats . I guess we could do with more graciousness in the society

1y trước

ya agree. . and play the laptop

Yes you’re right. I had to stand in the mrt for 1 hour plus during peak hours. My stomach was clearly showing.

Same here. I thought I’m the only one who thinks this way.