sleeping throughout the night
At what age do babies sleep throughout the night? How do i make my baby sleep throughout the night without any feeds?

It’s really baby dependent. My first child was 11 months, second one is still not sttn at 7 months+. Both my kids drink a lot less for each feed than other kids of the same age.. smaller stomachs, maybe? Haha. So they still need milk at night till they’re older. But I’ll be trying to wean off night feeds for my younger one before 1yo too.
Read moreEvery baby is different. 😂. Technically from 3 months old they cannnnnnnn sleep through but whether they know how to or not is a different story. 😥. My baby is 4 months still wakes 2 hourly!!
Really depends. My baby about 6 or 7 months don't wake up for milk. I would worry he will hurry and feed him milk but he don't want though his stomach groan.
My baby only Sleeps through the night after 4 mo when she goes infant care. Guess infant care tire her out.
Newborn will feed every 2-3hrs but as they get older and started semi-solid food then they sleep longer
It depend on baby. Mine now 13 month still not yet sttn.
Mine at 8months + Last feed at 930-10pm