Diagnosed With GD

Went for OGTT today and I failed the test. :any mom who also got GD here can share how you all control your diet and how long did you all take to bring down the sugar level? I'm really worry about my baby after reading the consequences of GD in baby online. T.T

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I eat brown rice :)

5y trước

Can still eat rice but half portion aka half bowl.

Thành viên VIP

Have to make soMe adjustments to your diet. You can google for more info, take care!

Thành viên VIP

I had GD previously too. Went for a course by dietician at kkh. Apparently compulsory for those who failed OGTT at KKH. They shared on diet, how to do prick test and light exercise for a day. From my memory, wholemeal bread, brown rice is low GI. Hungry then drink low fat Milk. Avoid udon, rojak, Avocado and durian. The 7 prick tests per day help me realise what to eat to maintain blood sugar eventually.

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