Any lovelies can share their birth experience?

Is it too far fetched to want natural delivery without any gas or epi for ftm? Reading all the articles saying how painful the actual contractions are and how mummies tend to ask late epi, it kinda of crush my hopes. What if my body could not take it too? 😢#pregnancy #firstbaby

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Advice is listen to your body. The night before i give birth i know my little one acting differently. So active for 2 hours straight and heading down to my pelvis but I thought maybe change of position cause I was turning 39 weeks on that day. A few hours later i have contraction was not that bad. After that mild contraction from 4am till 11am. I've endured it alone at home, every 5 mins, 1min apart. Pain got intense hubby went home from night shift, i took some time to think if I should go to the hospital as I feel like I might slightly to early for labour as I'm 39 weeks + 1 day. As they say first baby, baby will stay in the womb longer but my baby don't 😂 Took quick shower head to kkh at around 11+ went to delivery Suite at 12pm. They monitor tour baby heart rate first and then check how many cm you're dilated. In my case when I'm there I'm already 7cm dilated. So my labour was quite fast. Went to delivery room within 30mins, endure the pain with gas. As I'm late to take epidural zzz. But the gas was good it does help with the pain but at certain times you feel the super duper pain for contraction and you need to keep inhaling. Midwife deliver me, but didn't really guide me along. So I just listen to my body and push whenever my body told me to. Baby head crown, midwife broke my waterbag and I push my baby is out. My labour was only for about an hour. For me my contraction wasn't that bad I can still lay on my bed, trying to endure the pain hoping that it was false contraction. My advice , listen to your body. If you really cannot tahan go for epi. If you're lucky enough by the time you reach the delivery Suite and you're ready to push then no need epi cause it will be quite a fast process. NOT TO FORGET BREATHE IT DOES HELP EVEN THO IT HURTS 😣 PS, I shouted cause of the pain even with gas. but hey you're welcoming a little baby and you can't explain the pain.

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3y trước

Hello @Serene, I guess I was lucky enough to go through fast labour during my first pregnancy 😂 throughout my last trimester I didn't really go out, unless I have to like went for groceries shopping and checkups. and that's like twice a month or even once a month. If I stay at home, I would do normal house chores like cleaning, laundry etc. My nesting start quite last minute like around a month before I give birth, thus I clean my room to make sure its dust free and ready for baby arrival. Other then that my last trimester, i rest alot and got sleep a lot 😂I guess its different for everyone else. Just rest as much as you can 😊 I don't think I do anything much to get fast labour 😅😂