My LO not drinking more milk
Is there a concern that my 1 month old baby don't drink much milk? She always drink about 40ml to 60ml sometime 90ml only.

Some babies drink smaller amount but they drink more regularly so it's ok. The best way to know if it's sufficient is by looking at diaper output and weight gain. If she gains weight consistently & following the curve it should be fine!
same! 😣 but she drinks 1-4hrly. 1hrly like 'snack' time kinda drink, abt 10-30mls. normal feeds arnd 50-60mls.
As long as your baby is wetting enough diapers a day or poops regularly, you shouldn't worry too much :)
Hi, Yes this much quantity is fine for 1 month old baby, as long the baby's daily activities are fine
60-90 mL should be sufficient for a month old baby.
Same am stuck at same ml
sounds ok 🙂
Sounds normal
Sound normal