Calculating age of baby

This may be a strange question, but how have mummies and daddies been calculating the age of baby? Until recently we had been announcing the age of baby in months according to every 4 weeks. But we just realised that whilst there's only 12 months in a year, if you count every 4 weeks then there's actually 13 months in a year (ie. 52 weeks as opposed to 48). Do you count per 4 weeks or by the same date each month. Eg, our son was born 18 March so 1 month would be 18 April, 2 months would be 18 May, etc

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Super Mom

4 weeks is only 28 days, a month is 30 or 31 days so the more accurate way is by counting the same day each month.

Super Mom

I have been announcing by weeks as well... Hahaha! Interested to know too! :)

Count by weeks 1 week = 7 days Not by the same day of the month

Influencer của TAP

used to count by weeks until reach 6 months

Super Mom

Count by the same date in each month:)

Thành viên VIP

School count by months. Not weeks.

I would calculate by months:)

Count by weeks

Super Mom
