Stay at hospital for 2-3 days when giving birth, are we given Hospital Leave or use maternity leave?
Stay at hospital for 2-3 days when giving birth, are we given Hospital Leave or use maternity leave?

Most HR allows you to start using your maternal leave in advance max 1 month before your EDD, to the actual day of EDD. Hence, upon EDD, your maternal leave starts, regardless whether the hospital gives your hospitalization leave or not. But do clarify with your HR on your benefits as it can be different from the norm.
Read moreML starts from the moment you give birth. However, please do check with your HR as every company’s leave policy is different. 😊
Ur maternity will start once u give birth or u write in to hr indicate the date that u wanna use.. (before e birth of ur kid)
Maternity leave from the moment that I give birth.
After birth, strictly ML only
maternity leave for me
Maternity leave