Maternity leave & when to start taking leave
Hi im a FTM, working full time and EDD mid sept 2023. I only know im entitled for 16 weeks maternity leave but im not sure how it works. Does it only start after ive given birth or i can start a week before EDD? And how early do you start taking leave before EDD? Can we request for Hospital leave from KKH, for 1-2 weeks before our EDD ? Or some mummies dont take leave before EDD and only when you start having labour signs ? Sorry for the multiple questions as im still confused#firsttimemom #firstbaby

Most gynaes are strict on HL hence don't bother about it. You may wish to take a week of ML before EDD to do get some pretty good rest, last minute preparations. Alternatively, you may start using it as soon as you give birth/in labour. Previous work place most of my colleagues use it when they are in labour. However, it may be difficult for your company to make other arrangement if let say you don't make early plan of ML. On the other hand, depend on your agreement with you and company how to make use of the 16 weeks ML. You can split or use it all. Or as mentioned when in labour to use ML. Both child I took ML 1/2 weeks before EDD to do prep and getting some rest as I work in hotel and retail. Therefore, getting everything done properly was my main reason to take ML earlier though I give birth both after EDD.
Read moreI made a mistake with my first pregnancy to start a few weeks earlier from my edd. Couldve used that extra few weeks after the baby is born. The feeling of going back to work after the 16 weeks leave was really hard! So as much as possible try to stretch the maternity leave by taking after birth. I’ll be doing that for my 2nd child due Jan. But with that being said, do what’s best for you. If it’s really too much to endure, can always start a few weeks earlier. Take your mind off work too 😊
Read moreMost cases, ML starts the moment you gave birth unless you requested to start your ML early to rest. Best to let your company know your leaves planning a month before so they can make necessary arrangement on manpower. HL depends on the gynae, some gynaes are very strict with their HL and will only issue if really required to. I didn’t take any leave cause my baby was too comfy inside and I wasn’t feeling any labour signs (my baby was overdue 😂). My ML starts the day I gave birth.
Read moreBest not to take ML before giving birth because u will definitely want to spend a longer time with baby later. For me, I got a few weeks HL prior to birth as I had chronic asthma and being a teacher it made my condition worse tt my O2 level went below healthy level. My gynae is a private gynae with his own pte clinic. What I heard frm my colleagues who are subsidised patients, they couldn't get HL at all. But private gynaes may be more flexible in giving esp those in pte hospital.
Read moreMy Gynae was strict about giving me HL cos I was not hospitalised. At most he gave me few days mc to rest. ML starts when I gave birth and trust me 16 weeeks flew by so fast! My colleagues even joked that I can cut short the ML (I mean who would want right?) I want to spend time with my baby. You can take some annual leave before your EDD if you want but I worked till I give birth as I need to train my maternity cover then.
Read moreHi, you can start your ML up to 4weeks before your EDD.. my prev pregnancy, i took 1 week earlier just to spend the last few days not thinking about work. Haha. Like the other mummy mentioned, most gynaes are quite strict abt HL cos for them these are only meant for you if you are really hospitalised. For my current pregnancy, i plan to request to wfh on my EDD week and only start when i go into labour.
Read morei took at least a week b4 EDD simply coz i did not 1 2 risk giving birth while at work... then the next 2 mths straight & the next 2 mths off and on until the full year is up