Ask the Expert Series: Why is it Important to Count Kicks During Pregnancy?

Hello everyone! 👋 I am Dr Peter Wang, MBBS, Anchor Doctor at Speedoc. 👨🏻‍⚕️ As a healthcare professional and a parent, I understand that the health and well-being of your little one is of utmost importance. Hence, I am hosting this session to discuss key topics such as the vital role in monitoring your baby’s health and care tips that aim to support your physical and mental well-being as you embrace parenthood. 🌺💖 Kindly leave your questions in the comments section below. I will do my best to respond to every question! 💡🗣️ Topic: Why is it Important to Count Kicks During Pregnancy? 🤰 Date: Wednesday, 16 August 2023 Time: 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm

Ask the Expert Series: Why is it Important to Count Kicks During Pregnancy?
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Are there specific tools available that assist in tracking and recording kicks?

9mo trước

There are several mobile apps that can assist in helping to keep track of fetal movements. as an example. Alternatively, a simple timer or clock and a piece of paper works just as well!

How does the importance of counting kicks change in high-risk pregnancies?

9mo trước

In high-risk pregnancies, counting kicks becomes even more important as it can serve as a valuable tool for monitoring the well-being of the baby. High-risk pregnancies involve factors that increase the likelihood of complications for the mother or the baby. Counting kicks would allow for potentially earlier detection of complications should they arise. It allows for closer continuous, at-home monitoring.

will bb kicks damage my placenta or other organs? it feels very strong

9mo trước

No, baby kicks will not damage your placenta or other organs. Baby kicks are a normal and expected part of pregnancy. The baby is safely protected within the amniotic sac, and their movements are limited by the surrounding amniotic fluid and the space available in the uterus. As your pregnancy progresses and the baby grows, you might feel stronger kicks and movements. While these movements might occasionally feel uncomfortable, they are generally not harmful to you or your baby.

What are some common misconceptions/ myths about fetal movements?

9mo trước

While there are many, let me try to highlight some of the more dangerous or worry inducing misconceptions! MISCONCEPTIONS 1. A Lot of Movement Means a distressed Baby: Active babies are generally healthy and developing well. The level of activity can vary from baby to baby. Increased movement doesn't necessarily mean your baby is hyperactive or distressed. 2. Less Movement Means Labor is Approaching: A reduction in fetal movements might raise concerns about the baby's health, but it doesn't necessarily mean labor is imminent. Reduced movements from baseline should always be discuss with your Doctor. 3. The Baby Should Move at the Same Time Every Day: While some babies do have regular patterns of activity, there's no fixed rule that they must move at the same time every day. What's important is to understand your baby's individual movement patterns. 4. Hiccups Count as Movements: Fetal hiccups are common and can feel like rhythmic movements. However, they shouldn't be counted as p

How does fetal movement relate to the health of the baby?

9mo trước

Hello Sophie, an excellent question to start off our Q&A session on the topic! Changes in fetal movement patterns can indicate potential issues, such as fetal distress, growth problems, or reduced oxygen supply. When there is reduced oxygen supply, the fetus is thought to compensate by decreasing its movements thereby conserving its utilisation of precious oxygen. Keeping track of kicks can provide early warning signs of any complications and prompt medical attention if needed. However, it's important to remember that while monitoring at home can provide some insights and suggest possible distress, it is at best a convenient screening tool and is not a replacement for regular professional prenatal care.

dunno how is counted as kicks. I'm at 25w.

When to report kick changes to a doctor?

where can i join the session?

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