Baby refused to sleep at night

Since returning home from hospital, our baby has been cranky at night, doesn't want to sleep despite seeing him yawning. First few nights, whenever we put him down into the cot, he will sleep awhile and cry non-stop. We had fed, checked his diapers and all clear. Some days he would prefer to sleep with the lights on or being carried. He sleeps most of the time in the day. I am tempted to wake him in the day frequently so that he will be tired at night. Is this the right method? And is the above all normal for newborn?

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PD told me that babies want us to carry them because they feel warm. Heat expelled through their back while we carrying them. Maybe you can try lower the room temp. Swaddling or sleeping in cradle swing (without swinging for newborn) can also reduce frequency of waking up. My LO is colicky so sometimes he will wake up crying and need us to burp him or give him a good massage. Cheer..

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