Dent spot at the back of the head
Recently notice my 1mth + old baby has a dent spot at the back of the head. Is this normal?

It could be because of always lying on the back, kind of like flat head, both sides not even. My baby had that but when he turned 4 months or so he started lying on his tummy, it improved a little!
Is it like the hollow part like at the top of his head? If it is, it's called fontanels. They have at the top and the back. The back one will close by 2-3months and the top one will take longer.
Babies have 2 fontanels (also known as the soft spot). Most thought it’s only at the top. Actually they have 2. One at the top and one at the back :)
is your baby always lying on his/her back? that might have caused the head to flatten.
often lie on that part?
try go doctor check up