Is It Normal To Feel Breathless During First Trimester?
Recently keep feel breathless whenever I walk or do things. Is it normal?
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Yes...2nd pregnancy for me & breathelessness came to make its presence again 🤣 Just go slow and take it easy.
It could also be due to heavy meal. Instead of 3 meals a day, try to have 5 small meals and snacks in between
Hi, Yes it is normal. But if it is too frequent, I would suggest consult the gynae just to be safe
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Yes but if it gets too serious or frequent do consult your gynae, take care!
Pretty normal but if you're concerned, let your gynae know
Could be, may feel more during third trimester
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Yes and better in trim 2 but worse in 3rd trim
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Its norm coz you are breathing oxygen for 2.
Yes normal. It get worse for me in 3rd tri.
yes its normal bt very difficult.
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