feeling breathless

Is it normal to feel breathless at week 23?

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yes its normal, baby is fighting for space, so its somehow pressing on your organs upwards. when u feel breathless or feel shortness of breath, soothe your baby by sayang your baby downwards from your stomach area, take a few deep breaths slowly.. should somehow work..

2y trước

This works to me too!

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yup. breathless even when I eat less. I used to think it bcos of my weight or body size but when I googled, it's not the case. just take some time out to rest and breathe deeper ya. take care.

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I'm week 23 too. I can barely breathe after my lunch n dinner meals 😀Even if I eat less. I was thinking of checking with my gynec too next week if it's normal

yes! I’m always feeling breathless! Could be pregnancy anemia as well, which is common! I got diagnosed with that from my most recent blood test and I’m 25 weeks

hi, I'm having burning sensation on my stomach all day everyday... do we have any remedies.. I have consult doctor but none of them helps 🥲

Hi mommies, I have developed evening sickness and nausea dese days..vomit immediately after having food..feel extremely tired.😫

2y trước

Me too… i feel nausea right after i eat… didn’t know what to do.. i scared to vomit as i feel movements in my belly… i scared it might hurt the baby. any mommies out there know if this okay?

Yes i think it is. I get breathless when I carry a flight of stairs or the overhead bridge.

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Yes, I get breathless when I walk and talk fast at the same time too!

oh yes me too can't walk too far or too fast and stomach cramp

Yes normal but if getting worse, better see a doctor