Swelling Feet’s and finger

Is it normal for preggy to have swelling feet and finger? Week 18

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Super Mom

Yes. It gets even worse in the 3rd trimester. But disappears within a week or so after delivery if she walks around and stuff. For now, get her comfortable footwear that’s non-slip. Might need to get a bigger size for the duration of pregnancy. Might not be able to wear the wedding ring too

Drink more water, reduce your salt intake and elevate your legs when sleeping/lying down. I had slight feet swell few days back. Realised it was also due to me wearing sneakers which constraint my foot. Very painful and I started to wear slippers at home too. Takecare!

Thành viên VIP

Yes, normal. Let her wear comfortable, flat and cushioned foot wear. For her hands, massage and wrap with cabbage to soothe the swelling.

Thành viên VIP

Yes... Remember to drink more water and keep your legs elevated when resting

Thành viên VIP

Yes, do drink lots of water, elevate your fee when resting...

Thành viên VIP

totally normal! but drink alot of water okayy

Thành viên VIP

It’s normal