Getting induced

Hi mumsies! I'm at week 38, and I've been given another week to try to naturally dilate before I get induced. I'm afraid, cos I've heard horrible, painful stories from those who have been induced. If you have been induced before, how was the experience like for you? What part of the induction hurt so bad? For those who weren't induced, what helped with natural dilation? I know sex, squats, walking and curb-walking help, and I'm gonna do them daily for the next 7 days 😂 Edit (update!): I didn't get induced! I had my bloody show at week 38 day 2, after a cervical check, and had contractions the next day. Went to admit myself on Sunday afternoon cos I was having contractions 6-10mins apart. Stayed overnight and was guided by nurses to do lots of walks around the ward and also do deep sumo squats (5x10 secs each)! I feel that helped. I had also been drinking the raspberry leaf tea as well as dates daily. Our bundle of joy came out on 1 April! 😍

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Hi! Don’t be worry about induction as long as you make sure to ask the nurses/ gynae what to expect it will be fine (: I was induced at 39 weeks. Gynae let us choose whether to induce or wait but we opted for induce cause we rather not be panicking and rushing when it’s time 😅 Admitted at 11pm, and had pill inserted at around 1am. Didn’t feel any pain at all. At about 6am contraction was every 2-3mins but i was only 0.5cm dilated. So nurse gave me Pitocin to dilate faster. Pain scale after Pitocin was 1/10 but still wasn’t dilating fast enough so gynae came in at around 9am to break the water bag. Breaking water bag was rather uncomfortable but still bearable. After breaking water bag contraction still feels okay just like a really mild period cramp. And this is when i made the mistake of not checking on what the nurses are doing. After the next shift of nurses came in they stop updating me on what they are doing. As i was dilating quite slowly and i wasn’t in any pain, Nurses keep upping the Pitocin dosage and suddenly pain went from 1/10 to 100/10. And my baby went into distress as well. Afterwards a more experienced nurse came in and ask why was dosage so high when my contractions is already 2-3min apart. Very important to ask the nurses on what they are doing and make sure they update u if they are upping the dosage. If u want a painless labour i suggest you to ask for epidural before any pain kicks in. As you will have to wait for 30-45min for doctor to come administer epidural. I thought i was strong enough to not feel any pain but it just came suddenly and i thought i was going to die in that short 30-45mins. And there was no rest at all as contractions was continuous but am only still 2cm dilated 🥲 Epidural feels more uncomfortable than painful, laughing gas didn’t work for me at all. After epidural labour is completely painless. If you are going for natural birth, Will suggest you to ask to lower epidural when it’s time to push so u can push easier. Also to make sure you have supportive nurses to help you when it’s time to push. My experience with the nurses at the hospital was horrible and i would have fail to give birth naturally if not for the gynae rush in to correct my pushing technique. The nurses were condescending, rude and teaching wrong technique to push. Drinking raspberry tea and using epi-no will help as well. Oh and having an experienced gynae is very important as well. I was super worried that induction will lead to csect but gynae was 95% certain it will not and will be successful and it did!

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Gave birth naturally w/o being induced to my first two kids at 39 weeks ish. Didnt do anything specific to induce. However, my 3rd didnt even want to come out yet even at 41+1.. decided to get induced bcoz i was getting too anxious. Preferred to wait but just couldnt take the feeling anymore. I tried everything to induce but none worked. I would say, the pain between being and not being induced has no difference. Its just that when being induced, the process is quicken so the contractions are very intense during the short hours whereas natural takes a while more to build up. I would say being induced was more tiring, i ended up taking epidural because i was worried that i might get too tired to push when the time comes. I didnt want to end up with csec. Plus my first two births were very quick and easy.. for this one, i delivered within 7hours after pill inserted. Overall, from my experience, getting induced is not that bad. I feel like everybody will just end with different birth experience. Depends on your body. Induce or not induced, diff ppl have diff pain tolerance and csec or no csec can happen even when not induced. Dont be afraid. Just do what you want to do, dont be pressured with what others have to say. Follow your body and heart.

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I was 38 weeks when I decided to induce my daughter due to her low growth weight (2.6kg during last scan at 38 weeks). finally decided to induce at 38 weeks and 5 days at 4pm. they inserted 1 pill and by 8 pm my water bag burst and I was in active labour (I was already 3cm dilated). pain felt like mild menses cramps. 2/10 pain level. To help quicken the dilation process, I did squats and walked around the hospital for 2 rounds. Was wheeled into the labour room and things got more intense after Pitocin. pain was gradually increasing but I just concentrated on my breathing. thank god for the breaks in between contraction. lol. I did not take epidural or laughing gas as I didn't like the feeling of mask on my face. hahha. felt like it was preventing me to focus on my breathing. by 2 am i was 10 cm dilated and my baby was delivered. overall, I felt like my induction was not as scary as i heard and read it to be. I tried to focus on relaxing my muscles so that it would not be so tense. telling my self to let my body to its thing and not be stressed. focus on your breathing and relax ur muscle. not all induced labour are scary. :)

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10mo trước

during my last scan I was not yet dilated but my gynae said that baby head is in the right spot eventho I thot she needs to be lower. I did a lot walking , squats and some stretches( in youtube) to help my baby get into the ' right' position. don't worry too much. baby and your body will figure it out. :)

I was induced at 40 weeks due to low fluid, entire process from first pill till labour was 6 hours. My birth process was smooth because 90% of the time I’m hugging the laughing gas and was just high on it to even feel anything. I have super low pain threshold so as soon as the first contraction hits a little, I requested for laughing gas already. I was also on laughing gas when they gave me epidural so I literally didn’t feel anything at all (needles) except the anaesthetist telling me “please don’t roll off the bed” while trying to ask me to move closer to him . So other than the first contraction, nothing else hurts for mine😅. I didn’t know about the 3 pills fail have to e- csect thing so one less worry for me lol. In short, don’t listen to other people’s birth stories, don’t read online. Everyone’s experience is different, you’re just gonna pre-scare yourself like me 😂. My friend told me how bad her birth experience was and I cried all the way till hospital until the nurse was like “what happen? You in pain ah?” and im like “no, im scared” then she laugh at me 🫠.

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10mo trước

There’s no specific charges for laughing gas on my bill but pretty sure yes, it will be charged…. Even sanitizers also charged 🥲.

I was induced at 39 + 4. I decided to as baby was already 3.2kg during gynae check up at 39 weeks. I wanted a natural birth hence I opted for induction. Inserted pill and waited for 10 hours before dilating to 3cm, doctor broke water bag manually before waiting another 10 hours to finally give birth. If you opt for induction you will have a lot of time in between before delivering. Instead of stressing about the actual delivery, try to regulate your emotions and your mind. I would recommend bringing a portable speaker and some helpful books along with you to your room. We listened to calming music and read some informative guides to help us when the baby arrives. Allow yourself some space during the final moments of just your hubby and you. The music really helped create a soothing environment for ourselves. Don't stress, let it be and it will all be okay (:

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I was tt 3 pill failed induction and ended up in emergency csec case tt the other mummy mentioned lol. Anyway, I was given 1 induction pill, waited for 24h, but only dilated 1 cm. Given 2nd pill, and waited probably 12 hrs? and 2cm. At this pt, the pain was at the level of bad menses cramp, haven't used any painkillers yet. After the 3rd pill, the pain was bad. I took some gas (not sure if it's laughing gas coz it didn't do much for me), some injection for the pain, which didn't help at all, and finally epidural. It was a relief when the epidural kicked in. Then I basically didn't feel anything already. Regardless, my 3rd induction failed coz the baby's heartrate dropped, and doctor advised to do a csec rather than wait. FYI that I was 40w5d at this pt, so I can't exactly wait anymore to give birth naturally.

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10mo trước

Oh and it's really the case tt everyone's experience differs a lot. My colleague also induced, and hers from getting induced to the baby popping out was a mere 5 hrs, but she said it hurt so bad coz the contractions were so strong that the epidural couldn't keep up. In any case, everyone's experience differs. Just do all tt u can to try to avoid induction, and if in the end still need to induce,just go with the flow and don't worry too much, you're in the safe hands of your doctor

I was 38 weeks and was induced as my water broke and I didnt know for 2 days. luckily the fluid was still good and baby was safe. They induced me by inserting some pill in vagina at that time I was 1 cm dilated. Then they did some drips which took 32 hrs for dilating to 10 cm. My contractions were not that bad though. I spent whole day without epidural or laughing gas. Did squats, walks, duck walk etc. next day I took epidural when I was 3 cm dilated. soon i went to 10 cm, pushed for 15 mins and my little girl was out. You can try dates, okra water, pineapple it helps with natural induction. good luck.

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Hi i had to induce today and was the worst pain ever when they insert the pill in me for 10 hours+ and had to insert and remove 3 times becoz baby was stress and i have even dilate was very long and the contraction was really really strong I just took laughing guess but once my water break the contraction hurts the most and I shouted so much and wanted epidural but nurse saw my baby head out alrdy and i couldn’t wait to push so i just push till my baby came out

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Mine was very traumatic. It hurts very bad. Other than contraction, the insert of pill and cervix check is painful. Gynae manually try to loosen/dilate my cervix using her fingers. I was not on painkiller at that time. I was stuck at 2cm after 3 induction for 3 days and finally decide e-csect cause i cannot take it anymore. Most traumatic experience

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Red raspberry leaf tea! No clinical evidence though but read a lot about it and I myself naturally went into labour at 39weeks and 6 days. At 38weeks you can drink red raspberry leaf tea up to 3 times a day. I ate a lot of dates as well. They say dates softens the cervix. Online says to eat 7 a day but I think I ate 3 every meal.

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