Vomited 8 Times Today! Yikes.
Hello mummies, I'm currently on my 9th weeks and today's definitely the highest record I've vomited so far. EIGHT! Is this normal? Most of the days I only felt nauseous, but no vomiting. Anyone shared the same experience as me? :(

Same thing happened when i was in my 1st trimester. If it happens for the next few days too, better to see the doc. I went aft a week of vomiting more than 10 times a day and ended up hospitalised cos of dehydration. Turns out, i was having twins. Hahahahahaha
Try finding something that can settle your stomach, e.g. ginger tea, ginger ale, warm water. I found that tomato juice helped me a lot when I had nausea.
Thank you for the recommendations 😊
Yes that's right at 9 weeks, nausea will be at its peak and be worst. Try ginger drink :)
Will look into it. Thank you! 😋
It's normal but do consult your gynaecologist if you're feeling unwell
And the vomiting makes me feel so weak and jelly. Not quite looking forward to my next meal as I don't want to be a merlion like yesterday :')
oh dear... do stay well hydrated & hope it goes away for u soon💕
Thank you, I am feeling better now. No more (bad) vomiting. Now back to nauseous 😅
Yes, morning sickness and it’s severity depends on individuals.
Yikes.. 🤢🤮☹️
Make sure you are well hydrated
Yes, but at times drinking too much water can cause me to throw up too 😭
Yes. Drink more water.
But sometimes drinking more water makes me wanna throw up more hahaha must drink moderately 😅
yes normal
Good to know :') thank you 😋
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