I'm hurt 😔
Hi mummies..i just need to let it out, i have noone to talk to. Yesterday some girl hugged my husband. It was shocked and hurt..not because of that girl but because of how my husband reacted. He just let it happen, did not move, did not push her away. It was a long hug. His excuse was "I have no time to react". And i was right beside him. It got me thinking what if i wasn't there???? It hurts me very deeply. And made me regret carrying this baby for him. I feel disrespected. I am very heartbroken. I think i am having depression.

I would think it’s only natural to feel upset over such physical touch issues, as women tend to be more sensitive in their feelings.That being said, I feel that no women would be so ignorant or naive to hug someone’s else husband in front of their wife irregardless of how close a friend they were. Perhaps a short casual hug, but according to you it’s a long hug? So although it’s normal to feel upset about it, but come to think of it, don’t you think she’s just laying a trap for you to walk in? If both you and your husband get into a fight , who gets to play angel? Just try to talk things calmly with your husband, and do not let this get to you or the baby. Ultimately, you are the greatest since you are carrying a baby, hopefully your husband will come to sense that his wife is noble enough to born him a child. Pls think positively and don’t let this affect you or baby, it’s not worth it. Hugs.
Read more1st of all, i understand how you feel.... the indescribable sadness, loneliness & feeling of betrayal. It is easier said than done, but I truly hope the best for you.. that you will be strong and not let this event (his wrong doing) cripple you. You are carrying a child (yes it is yours & his), but you need to be strong for your child since you decided to be a mother. Feeling all depressed & weak doesnt do yourself good emotionally+mentally too. Men won't appreciate seeing their partner feel sad over such matter as it often is 'no big deal' to them... i won't say much about your r/s with your husband... I can only advise you to first take care of yourself, cool down then find a time to speak to him. Find out what you + he wants and then work things out. hugs* 🫂
Read moreHello mummy! If it’s a close friend and they used to do that, it’s fine. But of course if you’re uncomfortable with it, your hubby should be respectful of your concerns and avoid hugs. At the end of the day, it’s a baby that both of you have to live for. U have to be positive and let not it affect you negatively! Take a step back and breathe. Talk nicely to him and just help him to understand that it makes you uncomfortable. And if there’s a guy friend that he is uncomfortable with, you would also do the same for him.
Read moreCannot imagine how you’re feeling. I would be devastated if that happened to me too. What has happened cannot be undone. I think you could try telling your husband how you feel and you know it has already happened. You cannot expect him to rectify that anymore but ask if he can promise this shouldn’t happen again. It takes two hands to clap. He also needs to put in effort to help you feel comfortable.
Read morehi fellow mommy, I would also feel uncomfortable if I were in your shoes. I'm also puzzled why would the girl hug your husband in front of you.. it's very disrespectful and strange?? If it's me, I would tell my husband about it and let him know how I feel. If your husband really cares about you, he would definitely consider your feelings and not do it again.
Read moreIt happened yesterday at around 7pm, it's been 23hrs and believe it or not we are still fighting about it..it's like i'm the bad person for expressing how i feel..it's extremely painful especially because i always take care of his feelings😔
Hi, firstly.. you shd speak to your husband about it. How it is affecting you & how disrespected you’ve felt. Secondly, since you were there, you cld have just gently pushed her off so she gets the message- no body contact allowed when you saw it. I will do just that if I were you.
your husband just don't know how to reject or part of him is willing to accept her.. if its not his first time, I think need to really have a serious talk with him.. baby and yourself must hang on !! your own family definitely there for you, so don't worry..
What’s her relationship with ur husband? I know of close friends hugging each other in front of spouses. Only you will know how close or what type of hug (platonic or romantic) it was.
Could you pls try throw or rather smack both your husb and that girl … am sorry, that hug need to stop right away. U have all the right to tell both of them off!
Are they very close? If the girl knows you’re a couple why would she even hug him in front of you
They used to be very close..i find my husband's excuse so stupid. And yes she was so disrespectful ti throw herself at my husband like that😔