Hospital bag

Hi mummies, when should I start packing my hospital bag? I’m 35+1w now.

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All the best for a happy delivery 😍you can start now😍, itz time to pack your hospital bag. Start making a list for u and ur baby. From 35+ weeks delivery may happend any time, so better to get ready everything be happy...

Do pack now.. 😊 I only packed my bag at 38 weeks plus and get scolded for doing it late when dr told me go home and prepare for delivery 😅

i am at 38weeks & started packing last 2 days. pack now incase you need it!

Thank you mummies ❤️ will start packing now!!

Thành viên VIP

now is a good time to slowly pack..

Go starts now

Can start packing alr

Influencer của TAP

anytime from now

Thành viên VIP

now can pack