Hello mummies. Is it ok to go prawning in yr 1st trimester? And also is it ok for the husband to go fishing? So many oldies pantang. Dont know if its still applies now ?

my hubs is a fishing freak and he went almost every weekend during my pregnancy. first 25weeks i did know my pregnancy. even after we found out my pregnancy , he still went fishing till i was like 36weeks. baby came out healthy hahaha oh i rmbr i did followed him multiple times for overnight fishing during the 25weeks. for me, even if im not pregnant, take necessary measures. dont be alone esp at dark areas. if you're gg home before Subuh, go somewhere first like 7-11 before gg home straight to let those things wander arnd and be lost. all in all, its up to your comfort level
Read moreI wont cos i believed those pantang so for the sake of my baby i chose not too. As i have family member who scale fish and her child came out w an abnormal lip. I didnt want to believe but just play safe. Anyway only 10 months, after that still can go right? 😁
I think as a muslim. I generally do not follow oldies pantang. However, dont go out at night to avoid gangguan. Other than that, i dun follow. But if my mum said something I will follow because i dun want to get blame if anything happen.
I heard it's a pantang not to go fishing or prawning cause later baby will have cleft lips. But if you go just to watch it's ok. I personally am not super superstitious. Cause to me it doesn't make logical sense? Haha.
Some will say prawning it's like killing the prawn and choosing its death by prawning them, thus there might be karma. But if you're not pantang, just go and don't think too much abt it.
Was told that I can't go prawning or fishing during pregnancy. So pantang thing, I choose to be safe than sorry. Be it myth or not if its good for baby i will do it. Depend on yourself.
I guess on your preference. For me, i continued with all my usual activities such as jogging, trekking everything else.
I personally dont believe but it's up to each individual's comfort level 🙂
My hubby and I didnt go for fishing or prawning... Just to be safe.😊
Ok mah. As long as you don’t fall into the pool lol