Pregnancy Hair Treatments/Products

Any mummies done any hair treatments during pregnancy? Any hair treatments or salons to recommend? Or any hair products to recommend? I'm having bleached hair from before pregnancy and i used to go for regular treatments but after pregnancy, i'm abit skeptical. I'm currently in the 1st trimester.

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1st tri u may want to avoid. I did treatment in my last trimester but I wldnt recommend my salon as they were not as good. Anyway , i did msg them to ask if their treatment were pregnant-friendly.

No, I only trimmed my hair once before CNY at a cut-only salon as I don’t want to take any risk inhaling chemicals from normal salons.

My friend’s Gynae said that scalps treatment is fine. Might want to check with your gynae to confirm again.

Influencer của TAP

Yes! I told my hairstylist I'm pregnant he got those pregnancy safe products on me.

Super Mom

No... i avoided all chemical treatments during pregnancy

Super Mom

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