Hair Treatments

Can rebonding or colouring during pregnancy? I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant.. Cannot stand the fizzy-ness and white hair.. Will these treatments affect the baby?

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Should be ok but try not to do chemical treatments too often to be safe and best to consult your doctor before that. Can also try to check with the hairstylist if there are any pregnancy-safe / friendly products that he/she could use on you.

No problem at all. As it dosent touch the Scalp anyway.. I had my hair bleach when I was 8 month pregnant. I avoided the Scalp too. I'm a professional stylist BTW.

I’d avoid as can inhale the chemicals when u’re at salon although by right the chemicals don’t touch your scalp.

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just let the hair stylist know so she knows what to do

Yes. Just let the hair stylist know too

Should be ok. Just let hairstylist know

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