26 Replies

Hi, I guess if money is not a pressing issue then being at home and spending time with kids and looking after them is going to be a very nurturing and happy decision. Getting to see and live the childhood of your children is a blessing because they are not going to remain this small, and soon they will be self sufficient to do everything and then you will be on a backseat. So, why be on a backseat now, if you have an opportunity of being with them! But, of course, if money is an issue, which I think would be four kids, you can keep a good nanny for them. And this is where you have to be very diligent. As I said that like being able to live your child's early years with them is a blessing, same way, being able to find a good nanny is too a blessing. If your mom is not very healthy, she sure be hassled being with four kids. I think, you know your situation the best and you can decide for the first option if you think that for sometime, you guys can mange with you not working.

If ur kids are old enough to self entertain, then situation might not be so bad. What is ur arrangement now? Ur mum helping with the 3 kids while u work? If so, then the maid is to just help out with newborn, then it is quite ok. But i agree with ur concern that ur mum might try to find issues with the maid as she would have certain expectations about how to take care of kids. If ur kids are nt attending childcare / school yet, u may want to consider sending 1 or 2 of them to school so that ur mum can focus on kids entirely while ur maid help out with the housework. How much are u earning currently? Bear in mind that if ur kids are attending childcare now, u will lose the working mother subsidy if u were to quit ur job.

If I have four kids I will definitely opt to be sahm if we can afford it. May have to cut down on a lot of lavishes but well time spent with the kids is invaluable. My house has four kids, mine and two nieces and a nephew. Both my parents and a maid and myself are taking care and it can already be chaotic. I will be returning to work soon, can't imagine the mess at home. Yes they can somehow survive but there will surely be a lot of conflicts between your mom and the maid. When people get busy and irritated tempers flare. If your husband is supportive stay at home to spend time with kids is better. You can do some freelance work or part time work or sell some things online for some extra cash?


I agree the helper can't handle 3 kids and a newborn if the age gap is very near. I also have 3 kids and currently pregnant. I work from home, and recently just hire one. My 2 daughters go to school so is still quite alright for us to manage housework and a toddler. If u want to resign and stay at home to take care of them u also need to work around the expenses. If going back to work, u might need to find some alternative for the 3 kids, if they are able to go for preschool

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Is the maid only need to take care the kids or you also expect her to do all the housework? If only taking care of the kids should be ok.but if also need her to do all the housework at the same time i don't think this is possible that she can do everything perfect. Even you stay at home, i do think you also need a full time/part time maid to help you out on the housework. Unless your other kids are big enough to be independent and able to help take care the young siblings.

A Mother's care to thier child is far more better than hiring a maid,I know money is concern in every family and we all need to pay a lot of expenses but I hope you spend more time with your 3 kids as soon as you are home from work, when you give birth the attention is on the youngest, as a working parent try to balance quality time with your family.

Congrats on your 4th! :) This is a pretty personal decision hmm. If you can afford to stay home since they are still young, I would suggest you do and still get help (either maid or your mum) to assist with either babysitting/ chores Then revisit the job option later on. In the meantime, get flexible work? Have you considered working from home?

my hubby dont mind me to look after kids. if can we both work have extra money in. maid not sure willing to take care 4kids ant? my mum old le. health not good too.yes i have think of working at home. but not easy to find work too.

If your financial situation allows perhaps try to stay home for some time and then resume work. If that’s not possible get The Maid and talk openly to your Mother that if she has too many issues with the maid she may do not so good things which we should avoid

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Talk to your hub to work out if staying home is even an option. 4 kids to feed is no easy task. If you stay home, will u be able to focus attention on the children or will you be bogged down doing household chores and caring for the newborn?


Can your family afford to be one income earner and you stay at home? If yes, your mum can help you take care of kids then you can explore work from home opportunities or you start your own home business. This is an alternative for you

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