Week by week pregnancy tracker
Track your baby's growth month by month with all important milestones
- 1st Trimester
- 2nd Trimester
- 3rd Trimester
1st Trimester
Week 4: Hello pregnancy!

Your baby, who is only as small as a poppy seed, is entering the embryonic stage. He will now start developing organs, which will also start functioning. As for you, you will need to avoid certain bev...
Week 5: Your wonderful pregnancy journey begins here!

Your baby is busy as a bee, developing his brain, spinal chord, nerves, and backbone. For you, this is when morning sickness begins. It's also the time when you should avoid activities that may pose a...
Week 6: Yay! You've reached week 6 of pregnancy.

Your baby's heart beats 150 times per minute, his hands still resemble paddles, and his ears are nothing but depressions on either side of his head. As for you, you may be feeling lethargic; welcome t...
Week 7: Find out what you need to equip yourself for the week...

Your baby may be small--the size of an aratilis--but his brain is growing at an incredible pace, generating a hundred new brain cells every minute! He is starting to form teeth, a palate, and joints t...
Week 8: Have you been counting?

Your baby can start saying goodbye to his primitive tail and hello to his primitive neural pathways! As for you, your sense of smell is heightened and you may be feeling fatigue and nauseated. Don't w...
Week 9: Remember... It's all worth it!

Your baby is officially a fetus! He can now make tiny movements thanks to his equally tiny muscles on his hands and feet. As for you, loss of appetite may lead to weight loss, though you may need loos...
Week 10: Congratulations, you're now in week 10!

Your baby may be a size of a prune but he is starting to toughen up thanks to his now hardening bones. His fingers and toes are also developing along with fingernails. As for you, find out what type o...
Week 11: Counting down to second trimester!

Aren't you excited to find out about whether your baby can inhale and exhale now, or what's starting to form in his gums? As for you, mum, learn when you will find relief from fatigue and nausea you'v...
Week 12: Yay! End of Trimester 1!

There are so many exciting things your little one can do now, one of them being able to curl his teeny fingers and toes. As for you, well, you're surely feeling that baby bump expand. What does that m...
Week 13: Congratulations on reaching the Second Trimester!

During this week, find out which survival skill your baby can most likely do now. As for you, mum, you can put behind first trimester pregnancy symptoms that hounded you. You may even experience a sen...
2nd Trimester
Week 14: Hello baby bump!

Can you guess what facial expressions your little one can now make and what he can wiggle? As for you, mum, find out whether now is the best time for you to sign up for prenatal classes or not. Your ...
Week 15: Learn these tips and tricks!

Don't you want to know whether your unborn baby can breathe already? As for you, mum, your immunity is now lower. But don't fret. While you will need to exert additional effort to stay healthy, the lo...
Week 16: Way to go!

Your baby now has defined eyebrows and eyelashes--can you believe it? As for you, mum, you'll be happy to know that you're most likely experiencing the much coveted "pregnancy glow". Your Baby’...
Week 17: You go girl!

Ooh, now your baby is beefing up. He is trading his rubbery cartilages for hardening bones. His umbilical cord is now stronger and thicker. As for you, mum, find out whether high-heeled shoes are advi...
Week 18: Ganbatte!

Your little one, who is the size of a sweet potato, is a tiny acrobat who makes sure you feel his stunts in the womb. As for you, mum, you may want to know which sleeping position is best for you alon...
Week 19: Fighting!

You may feel that there's so much going on. Between your little ninja's movements and increasing aches, don't forget to take a breather. Meditation is a preferable way to de-stress, especially if you ...
Week 20: Some fun facts at this stage of your pregnancy...

Congratulations, mum! You're halfway through your pregnancy. Find out what your baby may be able to do with his eyes and what fun activity you should definitely be doing now. Your Baby's Development ...
Week 21: Go! Go! Go!

Did you know that your baby's length is now measured from the crown of his head to his tiny heels? As for you, mum, find out what you can be doing about those pesky stretch marks and varicose veins. ...
Week 22: This week is going to be awesome

Find out whether your baby, who is big (or small) as a papaya, has established sleep and wake cycles this week. As for you, mum, enjoy your pregnancy by arranging for a maternity shoot. Your Baby's D...
Week 23: Keep it up!

Did you know that your baby, who is only as large as a durian, can now sense your movements? As for you, mum, you may be experiencing frequent urination because your expanding uterus sits on your blad...
Week 24: You can do it!

Your baby, who is the size of a corn cob, now has eyelashes. As for you, mum, your libido may decrease because of all the discomfort you are feeling. Distract yourself by planning your birth (as much ...
Week 25: Congratulations on reaching 25th week! Just 15 more to go!

Your baby may only be the size of an eggplant, but oh how he has developed. His skin is now turning pink and he has a routine as early as now (find out what it is!). As for you, mum, you're feeling ac...
Week 26: What to expect at week 26...

Do you want to know if you can tell your baby's eye color as early as now? And find out what happens when you direct light to your belly. As for you, mum, go for some shopping therapy to dress your bu...
Week 27: Yay! Last Trimester!

Welcome to your third trimester! Your baby has just discovered thumb-sucking, which actually has benefits (find out what they are!). As for you, mum, your discomfort increases from swelling hands and ...
3rd Trimester
Week 28: Last leg of the pregnancy race! Just 12 weeks more to go(or less)!

Your baby, who is the size of a Chinese cabbage, may appear more plump in ultrasounds thanks to the extra layer of fat forming. As for you, mum, just a few more months and you will get to hold the lit...
Week 29: A great joy is coming!

So many amazing things are happening to your baby now, including a rapidly growing brain. As for you, mum, watch out for a dip in iron (so take your supplements) and the formation of varicose veins (w...
Week 30: Great job!

Your baby's growth will slow down soon, but for now, it's his brain that's rapidly growing. As for you, mum, heartburn may be plaguing you. Find out what you can do to prevent it. Your Baby's Develop...
Week 31: You did awesome!

Your baby's limbs are proportional to the rest of his body, so he resembles a newborn more now. As for you, mum, find out what condition you must watch out for to ensure a safe delivery. Your Baby's ...
Week 32: Believe in yourself!

Is your baby moving less now? Don't fret. Most likely, decreased activity can be attributed to your baby's 20- to 40-minute sleep cycles. As for you, mum, now is the best time for: knowing the signs o...
Week 33: Awesome week ahead

Your baby, who is the size of a pineapple, can now distinguish through day and night. As for you, mum, with everything that's going on, now is the perfect time to pamper yourself. Your Baby's Develop...
Week 34: 6 more weeks!

Your baby is now the size of a cantaloupe. He is growing a layer of fat which will keep him warm. As for you, mum, find out what you can do to avoid feeling thirsty during evenings. This should make y...
Week 35: Can't wait? Only 5 more weeks to go!

Your baby's liver and kidneys are now fully developed. Pretty amazing, huh? As for you, mum, find out what you may experience when you cough or sneeze. Your Baby's Development In this week by week p...
Week 36: Baby is on the way!

Your baby will shed off his downy hair (lanugo) and protective wax covering (vernix). These will get mixed into the amniotic fluid to later be swallowed by your baby. As for you, mum, find out which t...
Week 37: Jia You mummy!

Did you know that your baby now simulates a crucial skill he'll definitely need after birth? That's breathing. As for you, mum, pre-register at your hospital so checking in when the time comes is smoo...
Week 38: Keep calm and soldier on mummy!

Even at this stage, your baby's lungs have yet to mature. Interestingly, even after he is born, it will take a while until he establishes a normal breathing pattern. As for you, mum, get your mind of ...
Week 39: Just 1 more week to go!

Your baby, who is as big as a watermelon, can now flex his limbs! Talk about babies growing so fast. As for you, mum, it's really just a waiting game now. Best thing to do is plan your actions when yo...
Week 40: Any minute now!

You're feeling a bit impatient, waiting for your baby who seems to have missed the memo. Don't lose sleep over this--or anything at all. Instead, use this time to get all the rest you can get. Think o...