Mum to be do you all go for prenatal massage? I am 13weeks . Should i?

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Thành viên VIP

I did at 7 mth. Done by my mom who is the pre/post natal messuer (bidan) she did the lengang perut for me which helped to position baby head down so they will be ready. On the 5-6th mth check up doc say baby didn't turn yet so if it's bridging position need to csect. After the massage baby was in correct position, (head down) its painful abit but it relieve the aches and pain. Manage to deliver by vbac so I guess this has helped me greatly. My advise is only do it 7 mth onwards. Takecare of yourself always!

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Thành viên VIP

Personally, I won't recommend? It's up to individual lah. I have a friend didn't go for massage throughout the whole preg, went at 35 weeks and the day she bled and contraction. Gave birth the next day. I also also another friend went for prenatal massage after 5 or 6 mths preg and twice a month. Throughout her preg she is also okay and gave birth at 38 weeks.

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I’ve not done so cos so far my I haven’t felt very bad backaches etc. But if you need to go, it’s usually ok to go after at least your first trimester. Find a reputable masseur who is experienced with pre-natal massages as some who only does post-natal may inadvertently use too much pressure during the massage.

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Thành viên VIP

Yeah. I went to massage. Some places accept 15th weeks. Some places 20th weeks and above. I went to javanese massage at 18 weeks.

No, wanted to go in my 2nd trimester but then covid19 started so I’m avoiding all non-essential outings.

Thành viên VIP

Yes, I went for it but from 2nd trimester onwards. It felt so good to have the aches and pains go away.

Thành viên VIP

Yes, I only did in my third trimester when things are more stable and I have the most aches. 😊

Super Mom

Only did once. Didn’t find it helpful so didn’t bother again.

Influencer của TAP

I only go after 5 month pregnant when I feel the sore.

Thành viên VIP

Should be fine but maybe wait for another 2 weeks...?