Middle of the night my 7 month lo literally crying non stop. Wen i checked e diaper 50cents coin hard shit wer sticking there. After i changed the diaper. I carry her to make her sleep. Then she was ok. Suddenly she cry so badly. This morning she is fine. May i know if any one of you got encounter this. So stress and worried.

I think your child is constipated and it probably hurts when she tried to poo. Try giving some water after you feed solid. Can also try giving probiotics daily to help her digestive system. Monitor her bowel and if she doesn't poo a few days, can give some prune juice to loosen her stools
hmm probably constipation yes or gas? is she on breastmilk or formula? if formula, maybe you can try switch other brand? I never had a chance to breastmilk, hence my son been using the Friso brand for 5yrs and never such an issue. I wish you're baby well, hope she's better now.
I think she is crying because of tummy discomfort. Usually when they sudden cry is because of gas or tummy upset . Help to massage the tummy area clockwise and do the cycling movement with her legs. Give her the P fruits like papaya, pear, plum. More water as well.
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it does look like baby is constipated. increase the water intake. also give more fluids. if nothing helps and baby still is as uncomfortable, speak to the doc and get a lactose intolerance test done please
As everyone said give her liquid N other than that sweet also help in digestion For immediate solution ,u can try suppository Only if u are sure it's problem of hard stool
Read moreyour baby is definitely constipated. please increase the fluid consumption as it will help soften the stool and prevent constipation
I think your baby is constipated. Try giving prune juice or puree it helps
Baby could be constipated. Try giving liquids. Is baby on fm or bm?