crying suddenly

My baby have been crying insanely for at least 30mins non stop. I have no idea why as she isnt like this before. We have checked her temperature, milk, clothing, diaper. Nothing we know seems to affect this deeply. What could be the reason?

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Super Mom

Maybe u wanna try "the hold" by dr hamilton. It may take you several tries before getting it right. But it should do the trick.

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Super Mom

Just cuddle and soothe her. Direct latch her if possible. Sometimes they just need some comfort from us...

4y trước

I tried cuddling and rocking her but doesnt work as well. I dont bf due to no supply.

Could it be tummy pain? Try applying ruyi oil do cycling movement rub tummy. Or teething?

Could be colic.. try burping her first.. giving gripe water or ridwind helps too..

Formula or breastfeeding ? If formula , do not feed milk tat is more than 1hr .

Thành viên VIP

It could be colic. Try to baby wear her. Or Skin to skin might help!

Super Mom

How old is she? Does she stop crying if you cuddle and rock her?

4y trước

I tried cuddling and rocking her but doesnt work as well. She is 4 months old.

Thành viên VIP

Perhaps she just wants you to cuddle her. :)

4y trước

I tried cuddling and rocking her but doesnt work as well. Sadly.

Influencer của TAP

Colic if she's a nb?