my dau 4 month old never shit for 2 and half day. Just 1 hr ago she shit only 50cents coin size. Mummy is that normal. What can i do. Moreover; she been crying n crying non stop. I hv to carry her then she keep quiet. My other relative carry her she cry like so badly. How

Hi, Is it hard or soft? If it's hard it's not normal, please see a doctor. If it's soft and like her usual poop only that it's a little then it's fine if ur bf, bfeeding babies don't poop everyday. U can search YouTube for massaging babies videos, cycling their legs, massaging their soles. My baby is quite clingy too and she's 5 months. Very different from her jie jie so it's a shock to me. What I do is whenever I've friends or relatives around, I'll encourage them to carry her, while they are carrying her smile n laugh, be happy and console her when she starts crying. This is to let her noe that it's ok, mummy daddy here, these are nice ppl. Distract her when she cries with keys, clapping. Don't be stressed, just maintain a calm demeanor and smile. Sooner or later she will get used to ur relatives. Don't let her cry hysterically though, just try to make it a happy environment. If she starts to get hysterical carry her n soothe her. Slowly k mummy! It will get better.
Read moreit's constipation. and bcoz of that she had stomach pain. see a doctor for that. shes crying bcoz shes not comfortable and add to that he stomach pain. regards to this relative who carries her, who is he/she.? why does ur baby cry when held by this person? how often does this person coming to ur home? did u ever leave your kid with this relative? if ur kid cries when this relative carries her, why let this person carry her? avoid doing things that add to ur pain of seeing her cry. please see ur pediatrician immediately....discuss this crying thing in detail with the doctor...
Read moreif u giving bm.. it's fine that baby nv poo up to 10days. if not.. u can do some cycling exercise for ur baby or u can help to massage alittle for your baby. ( normally my baby cry when others carry.. becos she had not familiarize with them faces or becos my baby just feel uncomfortable/ sleepy so, she only wants her mummy. so i guess.. maybe ur baby want comfort from u only.. if not.. let ur relative to play with ur baby awhile before passing to them. ^_^ hope this helps.
Read moreIt sounds as though she has constipation. Breastfed or Formula fed? If breastfed, any change in your diet? Was she recently introduced to solid? You can try to do massages on her tummy and also cycle her legs. Also it seems she is beginning to recognize people and may face separation anxiety period which is normal. Just remember to make her feel secure that you will never leave her forever and ensure interaction with other adults. Let her warm up first, not just force her to others.
Read moreYou can try giving baby a warm bath first. Warm baths are thought to relax baby and hopefully get the bowels going. After the bath, as you're drying baby, gently massage and rub baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction. Put your hands at baby’s navel and massage in a circular motion, moving your hands out and away from the center of baby’s belly.
Read moreI think maybe not enough water drink more milk it should be fine
thnxx Yuna...
Mama of 1 active little heart throb