Apple pure/ banana purée/ carrots

A lot of mommies have introduced these items as baby’s 1st food. How do you make the purée... do you cook or just mash raw uncooked fruits ?

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Super Mom

My LO just turned 6 months and I introduced her to carrot puree. I will steam the carrots for 10 mins together with breast milk and then put them into the blender and blend before giving to my LO. For banana don't have to steam. For apple u can steam before blending.

6y trước

Thanks a ton!

Always steam instead of boiling. Less nutrients are lost this way. If the food is hard, steam it till its soft and use a stick blender to puree with a little bit of breastmilk or formula. Even water is fine if you don't want the food to be too rich.

Super Mom

Anything soft enough like avocado, banana can be mashed or blended. For harder stuff like apple, carrot I steam then blend. I use Phillips baby food maker, it's quite convenient

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I bought the Philips steamer blender. Its awesome for making baby purees! Its pretty affordable and lasted for both my kids and still going strong after 3 years.

Hi, I boiled the carrots with milk and then meshed in a blender :)

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Boil it n mash it .. don’t add too much water for boil ..

All in one blender that serve as a steamer and blender

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Vegetables should me cooked. Fruits could b mashed

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Get a good blender, it does wonders!

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Cooking is better