Hi there mummies, Need some advices here How do u serve avocados to your baby. Do u cook them? Do u give it to ur BB on its own - scrape off the fruit or blend it as purée? Im wanna try giving my 6.5mths bb, hence asking. Thanks all in advance.

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Puree in a food processor or blender until smooth. Puree the avocado with breastmilk or formula instead of water. for babies 10 months or older, best to just use a fork to mash. Babies taste palette are very sensitive, what may seem tasteless to use maybe extremly delicious for them. Milk wil give them a taste of familarity along with a taste of something new. Moreover it is nuch more nutritious too! Have fun mummy.

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9y trước

No worries. Im glad i could be of some help. Hugs.

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my baby is turning 6mo tomorrow and I gave avocado puree today. I scraped out the flesh using spoon and blend it with some breastmilk before serving. no need to cook

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traditional weaning here, gave it by mixing with cereal. cos avocado smell quite strong my baby don't wanna eat it in puree

Hi Winnie, what I am doing is baby led weaning (BLW). You may want to read up BLW by Gill Rapley before starting :)

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Scrap then mashed it with fork since avocado is soft fruit 😊 you can add milk if desired ☺️

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i just scrape off and mash it.. then add milk to the texture my boy likes

their gums are tough and they should have developed some form of chewing ability.

9y trước

Hmm shall let her try on that. Thanks again for your valuable advices:)

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Try blending avocados with milk and little bit if honey. It’s yummy

I slice them and he eats it :) he's six months old now.

9y trước

Thank you there! Isn't sliced too hard for them, they dont even have teeth yet. :/ Pardon my total ignorance.