I really wonder how do u guys Co slp with your lo?

My lo usually sleeps in her own room. However, last night we both felt alsp in our masterbedroom after night feeding. Next moment I know, both my husband n myself was really at the edge of the bed sleeping w our body freeze in a zombie like position where as my lo had shifted from vertical position to horizontal position, legs on my hubby's chest n her hands digging into my face Is this normal?

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Super Mom

Normal. But must be careful if u have a bed frame and not just mattress on the floor.

Influencer của TAP

4 of us used to sleep on queen sized bed until elder around 7yo & younger around 3yo

Thành viên VIP

I co-sleep with my little one , it’s really sleeping at the edge every day 😂

Thành viên VIP

totally normal. i will move my boy into straight position when he does that.

Thành viên VIP

It is. But for own sanity, we are now placing him in cot & sleep training.

Influencer của TAP

Agree on Co sleep and put her back into cot once she fall asleep.

Thành viên VIP

Yes. My LO body so small yet half the bed is hers.

Thành viên VIP

yes very normal hahahaha

I’m also like that!

Thành viên VIP

Hahaha.. So cute..