
My Lo have slight eczema, may I know which brand of shower gel and body lotion is best for eczema prone skin?

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I tried almost more than 20 brands in both local and overseas markets. You name it, most probably I have tried it all. None ever worked well on my kid who has eczema since birth till now. I suggest the most conventional way is to just use normal warm water to wash & clean in order not to further irritate the skin of your child. Anyway eczema will outgrow someday, just that we have to wait patiently and watch out the food that may cause the outbreak if you happen to know which are them. For me, I don’t know which food cause such issue but for sure, eczema sufferers shouldn’t take normal milk, they should be drinking H.A (hypoallergenic) milk powder which doesn’t contain cow’s milk contents but the taste is bitter so I heard from many PDs before.

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Thành viên VIP

First and foremost, you must understand that eczema is a skin condition and not an ol edd. You cannot eradicate it but you can control it. The doctor who I went told me that 70% of the children will ‘grow out of it’ when they reach 13-14 YO. I have spent tonnes of money purchasing products that are not effective for my kids. So far I tried ceredan for my youngest and mustela for my elder and both conditions are under controlled. At times when the weather is especially humid or hot, the itching will arise. No choice, I just moisturise and moisturise. I get my elder kid to apply moisturizer on his own if he’s experiencing itchiness in school. Just hope that when they reach their adolescence age, it will disappear.

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Hi there, just wondering if your LO still having eczema problems. I’ve used I think mostly all of the products for daughter for last 12 years until now I discovered this really good product. It’s also important that the detergents as well as shower gel etc we use are safe, non toxic and free of parabens. Do contact me privately at 92330648 and I can share more with you what I do for my daughter the last 12 years.

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Thành viên VIP

If ur baby have super dry skin u may better do oil massage before bath n use mild soap for wash .. for face also u can use the same what u r using for body ..

Thành viên VIP

I haven’t stuck to one type of shower gel but I always apply Cetaphil AD Pro after my girl showers and feeds (wipe face and neck then apply lotion).

Super Mom

The doctor prescribed QV bath oil (soap free) and Physiogel moisturiser for my baby since she has moderate severe eczema. It's been working quite well

6y trước

For the face I just clean with water and moisturise generously. I think for eczema it's best to not use soap so much

Super Mom

Can try suublam. You can request for sample before purchasing.

Influencer của TAP

I heard Dove has Dove Derma series for people and kids with eczema. Maybe you can check it out

6y trước

Safe for LO who is 4 months old?

Thành viên VIP

Cetaphil works wonders for me. You can check with the pharmacist as well.

Well use lemon baths i saw those in fb .. they treats sensitive skins..