Parents Duties
Would like to check... For those who are not breastfeeding, who normally cares for the baby at night? You or the husband?
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My girl was bottle fed with EBM for the first 2 months. It’s mostly I who cares for the baby as I don’t wanna disturb my husband who needs to wake up early for work.
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Take turn. But I'm always the one with initiative 😂 cause I wouldn't bear to let LO cry any longer.
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Helper cos both my hubs and I work long hours. We don't have energy to do so at night
Alternate between both parents.. So can have more sleep😂
Both of us take care of the baby turn by turn
Super Mom
Me, myself & I.. coz I'm not working
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Take turns, no hard and fast rule:)
Me. As husband working
Super Mom
Both/ take turns
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We take turns
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