Hi all, Would like to ask if mum/mumtobe would to cut fruits/meat/fish in the kitchen would it affect the baby during pregnancy?

Heard of it. But I still cut with knife and scissors. If all these cannot do, then those female chefs or kitchen assistants who work in the kitchen have to resign? Or take leave for 1 year? How about those hairdressers who need to use scissors everyday?
I heard of that... even my religion master tells me to avoid cutting and using scissor, but i just cant. I have to cook and i need to take fresh cut fruits 😂 unless i have a maid to go with these pangtang
Icic 🤣hahah ok . yah right unless have a maid if not we must ownself cut fruits /cook as usual
I have heard this before but there's also exceptions when my grandma told me like for work purpose or cooking is fine cause you can't really escape those specially cooking in the past.
I've never heard of this before. I still need to cook although pregnant. It is not that after pregnant I don't need to do any work at all.
Theres plenty of old wives tales..But totally not practical unless you have a helper who cooks, or is willing to order food panda everyday
I dont think so. Been cooking and cutting all sorts during my pregnancy and baby is still healthy hehe keeps me going actually!
👍👍 jiayou
Hi, I think it should be perfectly fine. Just be careful to not get a cut like everyone should do :)
Don’t think so? Never heard of this before! Only heard can’t cut things on the bed?
no . If like that then pregnant cannot cook liao lo .. That will be terrible ..
No harm. Kitchen is fine as Long not using sissors or doing sewing on the bed.