Vitamin C during Pregnancy

Hi all, I would like to ask if it alright to take Vitamin C (1000mg) during pregnancy? Brand: Cebion. Thank you.

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Vitamin C is fine But is the brand using pure ingredient to produce is a question mark. If there isn't a need to consume extra vitamin C. You don't need it. You can consume high vit c food if you want.

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Influencer của TAP

I took 2000mg vitamin c when I was sick while pregnant. Shld be ok but check with gynae. It also depends on why you are taking the pills n which stage are you at in your pregnancy

Super Mom

I took obimin during pregnancy and gynae advised it's not necessary to take additional vit c. Better seek advice from your gynae in any case.

I only took extra vitamin c when I dun feel well during pregnancy. Otherwise just take the vitamins that the gynae prescribed.

Shld be okay. But is better to double confirm with ur gynae

Thành viên VIP

Yes, moderately and you still need the other vitamins.

Super Mom

I did not take extra vitamin during pregnancy

Influencer của TAP

Only took when I caught the flu during pregnancy.

Thành viên VIP

Hi yes doctor recommends it

Thành viên VIP

Yes .. docs recommend it as well ..