
Hi mommies i would like to know if any of you have been prescribed FLAGYSTAYIN VAGINAL OVULE during pregnancy? Im 23 weeks pregnant and would like to know if its safe for me to administer. would it have any affect on baby in womb?? im really worried for baby.

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Very safe. Wife had it too. Its meant to protect the baby during delivery by cleaning the birth canal of yeast/discharge.

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Hi. Its definitely safe for yeast infection. If the infection doesn't clear, its more harmful to your baby

5y trước

only due to protection from the membrane. But during delivery, if still there, risk of baby ingesting or getting caught some in the eye region. Thus the need to flush out using the suppository.

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My gynae prescribed me with that and its totally safe!

I had it too. It's safe

I had it at week 34!

i had it! it is safe