What to eat?

Lately I totally lost my appetite due to bad morning sickness. Sometimes couldn’t even finish one full meal. Any suggestion what to eat for lunch & dinner?

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I completely understand what you're going through. Even though you don't take much food in, do remember to make what you do eat wholesome and nutritious. Have you tried a veggie and egg fried rice? I loved this when I was pregnant as I preferred savoury meals over sweet ones.

Thành viên VIP

Understand how you feel. I felt that same. I took small amout first then gradually in increase my intake as for me n my baby. Try some soups, fruits, noodle soup, porridge, sandwiches, wrapped tortilla

Hi... you could try something light such as sandwiches, bread, biscuits, wraps perhaps. try to have small meals throughout the day to ensure you are eating something and not hv an empty stomach.

5y trước

same here.. we are in the same boat! stay strong and hope u will get better soon!

Thành viên VIP

I ate a lot of porridge in my early pregnancy. Just soupy stuff. Don’t force yourself to finish the meal. It’s okay. Split into smaller meals throughout the day.

Thành viên VIP

Probably u can try to have a small serving of refreshing fruit before meal, e.g. Kiwi, orange. The sweet and sour taste might help to boost your appetite.

5y trước

Thanks....will try that


5y trước

How about like oatmeal? N u put fruits inside. I had that during pregnancy quite a bit when I was vomiting a lot