Cheating Husband who makes less money than me

Just found out my husband of 8 years has been cheating on me. I'm devastated but more concerned for the kids - they are 3 and 5, and from every study I have read, divorce is one of the worst things that can happen to a child. I can't bear to do this to them but at the same time, I'm not sure I can ever forgive my husband. I am not financially dependent on him (I actually make more money than him). He is still a great father...I really don't know what to do. Please help.

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Hey it's ok to feel like you can't forgive him... In fact I think most normal human beings probably couldn't do so. Next question is - is there anything worth fighting for in this marriage or only for the children is the answer ? What is the one thing that matters to you right now ? By simplifying and see the utmost important priority need now will probably give you the answer - that you are looking for

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Truly sorry to hear such things. However, you need to stay strong. Personally, I would be able to accept it and yes divorce would be the 1st thought that comes to my mind. However, my kids are always the 1st priority. I will do whatever is best for them. I believe I won't divorce because of the kids as I want them to have a complete family to grow up in.

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I came from a broken family n I think it's ok to divorce. the only damaging part is when parents use the children to spite each other or badmouth each other in front of the young ones or worse, tell the kids " u r just like ur mum (or dad) " that is the only hurtful part. other than that, divorce didn't affected my lifestyle too much.

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How bad is the cheating? Flirting? Physically?nifbu are very sure u can't forgive and forget, Things can never be the same anymore and U know it. It's even worse if ur children see their mummy n daddy not loving each other anymore. So my suggestion is get a divorce. Fight for custody.

to me I will leave . Because no point staying . what's more I earn more than him so I believe without him I can support my own child and kids will be much happy even though divorce is bad . Sometimes things might not be as worst as what we think or hear.. stay strong

I'm so sorry. I wish things will get better for you. I guess you will have to weigh and see if you would be able to fight for the marriage. is it worth fighting for? What about the good things he has done? these are all factors to weigh in my opinion.

Big hugs to you for going through this ordeal after 8 years of marriage. If he is worth to be forgive, give him a second chance to proof. End of the day, you are answering to your own happiness. You will know the right answer in time to come.

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He may be a good father, but he has failed you as a husband. A marriage, to me, is between husband and wife. Good luck with your choice and hang in there.

what drove him to cheat? think you need to see if the underlying problem can be fixed.