I'm not really heavy smoker, but is it okey when we women smoke during pregnant ? Or is it not okey to smoke ? I saw my close friends or my cousin, they pregnant about 5-8 months they smoking but when they give birth to their bby.. Their bby healthy..

You ask if it’s ok to smoke. It’s the same as someone asking if they can take drugs, or drink alcohol or eat raw food. In all cases, you obviously know there are risks. So it’s completely up to you if you wanna take it.
Im a smoker myself but when i get to see my babys heartbeat during my first scan i went cold turkey.. It was hard i crave to smoke but i diverted my cravings to eating fruits i managed to stop cuz i know its for my baby..
Everyone knows the answer. Those who smoke and still gave birth to healthy baby may just be lucky. And you don't know the side effect to the baby in long term. Don't risk it. Better to be safe than sorry.
Stop smoking if you can. I know its not easy. I do have friends who quit smoking when they are pregnant. I trust that you can do it too, just whether you want to do it or not :)
Diff people may differ.. U wont know what happen inside ur baby body.. Yes they may see healthy.. But as they grow.. There will be alot of problem.. Better to be safe then sorry...
Pls it’s not at all good for ur unborn .. it’s a long time affects the baby , pls stop smoking if possible for ur lil one sake .. n also it’s good for u as well
Please avoid:) You may not see now, but Long term will affect healthy baby . u wouldn’t know Medical Expenses you gonna fork out more.
Read moreNot ok. For every puff, it limits baby’s oxygen intake. Just because baby comes out healthy, it doesn’t mean it’s ok. Dont risk it!
same for me, i still smoke when im in first trimester. but stop after that, just dont want to risk anything for my child.
Hope this explains: