What To wear For Newborn?

Hi. I'm a first time mommy. May I know usually what outfit to buy for newborn? Buy the clothes for 1-2 months or 3months onward?

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Thành viên VIP

Rompers with 0-3 mths sizes. I have about 7pcs. 3 cooling tops 0-3 mths sizes. Weather very hot, from 3rd week, sometimes I let LO wear top only. But mittens and booties is a must. At week 5, at home I let LO go topless cause weather is really hot.

Thành viên VIP

3 months. But really depends on bb size eventually. Mine turn out to be a premie so those 3mths one ended too oversized. I know baby who are born 4kg so they cant fit those for newborns too.

Thành viên VIP

Some labels indicate 0-3, newborn...buy the ones that you can "wrap" and tie (they have ribbons) some come with front buttons vs over the head...

Can buy rompers a few pieces because babies grow fast. Maybe can just get for 3 months onward since can wear longer

5y trước

Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking the same.

Thành viên VIP

i buy a few newborn shirt, mostly the button shirt and mostly 3 months onwards

5y trước

Thanks for your advice! Yes I gonna look for more button shirt and romper😊

Thành viên VIP

But 3/4 sets newborn size and few sets for 3 months onwards.

Influencer của TAP

I always buy bigger sizes to wear for longer 😁

Influencer của TAP

I bought 0-3 months too. But just a few pieces.

Thành viên VIP

Can buy a few 1-2 months, and mostly 3 months onwards!

5y trước

Thanks for your advice.

Influencer của TAP

3 months. And buy button kind easier to wesr.