My mother-in-law took my child to the mall and made him sick

I'm so annoyed!!!!! Yesterday, my baby was suddenly taken to the mall by my mother-in-law (without my permission—I was at the office). She told the babysitter not to inform me!!! When I got home to pick him up, I found out he had a fever. She casually said, "Yeah, we just came back from the mall, and there were quite a few people coughing." Wow. How dare she... I got angry right away and told her not to expect me to allow her to see my child again if she continues to behave like this. She started crying and playing the victim. Note this down: she was the one who insisted that I leave my child with her occasionally.

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My mil equally annoying so I will not leave my child alone with her unless bo bian, she pop by our place to visit cause she stay near. Already in front of me many times tell her not to give my child something she still give, had to force me to shout at her. Sometimes really don't wanna scream at them one leh, very tiring.. I always tell mu hub pls control your mum before I had to. Never had such issue with my mum.

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Maigodddd im fuming reading this. And the fact she told the babysitter not to tell you. What else she hide from you. I would really refrain her from taking care of my baby at all. Can happily say some people coughing. Wah when baby sick its the parents that have to deal with it

You have every right to be angry about this . You warned her but she didnt listen and now the one paying the price is the innocent baby

I will not want to leave my child with my mother in law. They think they know but they don't.



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