I'm stress and depressed
I'm 23 weeks + 1 day pregnant. With a boy and a girl. I sometimes feels like need to be appreciated even though it's my duty as a wife and daughter in law in this house. I try to pleased everyone even though no one care or anything. But I don't everyone to say thank you to me. I just want my husband to appreciated my efforts when I do things while pregnant his twins. But he doesnt even care or anything. He say it's my duty as a wife. And daughter in law. Is it so wrong for me to feel appreciated even though it's my duty as a wife?

This sounds like a typical indian household to be honest but all Indians are like that. I'm an indian but my in laws and husband was very supportive during and after pregnancy. I think, you should talk to your husband and try to make him understand what you're feeling very valid and it's hard work house 2 babies in a tiny stomach. Show him some of the comments so maybe that will make him understand. I hope your husband soon makes effort to help you and understand you. Don't always try to please and do whatever in law or husband ask you to. Honestly, kind of makes me mad that, he said "it's your duty as a wife". What about his duty as a husband to take care of his pregnant wife and wife in general (tell him that). Just because you are a daughter in law and a wife doesn't mean you have to forget all about yourself, likes, dislikes and tiredness, YOU HAVE YOUR OWN LIFE AND YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING JUST LIKE THEM. Do what you like and enjoy. Show yourself some love and care. You will never get this pregnancy moments back with your twins again so enjoy it! You are beautiful both on the inside and outside. Have a safe pregnancy and delivery! Praying for healthy babies❤
Read moreDon't be bothered of other's comments. You need to stay happy and positive for your babies. They are more important. It's hard for people to appreciate people now because people are selfish and think only about themselves. Just more self-centered. Being a wife is not a duty it is out of goodwill. Don't tired or stress yourself too much to meet selfish people wants, which is not healthy for you. You must take enough rest and take care well to have healthy babies. I'm at 35 weeks with one child and your burden is twice of mine. What you're going through is tough but I believe you can have a talk with your hubby to have things iron out together. Work things out together.
Read moreI feel so hurt. You all dont have any ties with me or anything. Ypu all dont know me personally. But you all outsiders understand me more than my own husband. Whenever I feel that I want my husband to appreciate my efforts, I dont expect gifte or anything. At least say thank you. My husband say its my duty as a wife whenever i cook for him, ensure he have clean clothes. He say I very demanding whenever I want him to appreciate my effort.
Read moreThe longing to be appreciated is perfectly normal. I actually pity your husband and MIL for not knowing basic kindness or knowing how to show love. Please don’t try to please them only. Please yourself too. Do things that make you happy. And I know I’m a stranger, but I’m proud of you for carrying your little ones, and I believe you will make a wonderful mama for the both of them! 🥰
Read moreYou are not wrong. Stay stong mummy and congratulations. Be happy that you are expecting twins! Men will always be men. Some men do understand but most men don't understand what we women want or feel. Communication is important. Your husband might not understand but do keep sharing with him about how you feel and what you expect from him.
Read moreSorry about what happens to you. It’s not wrong at all that you want to be appreciated. In fact your hubby shouldn’t ask you to do chores when you’re pregnant. Talk to him nicely. I know it’s tough when you live with in laws. But your hubby should know the situation best & be there for you n the babies. Try to talk to him.
Read moreHi momsie, my mil don’t appreciate me too. and she treat me like enemy. sometime my husband don’t appreciate my effort also. man will care but they won’t say or show it. whenever people did, don’t be bother. you, yourself need to make yourself happy you are responsible for your well being. just rest well and be happy.
Read moreDon't need to please anymore. Just be yourself as long you don't harm anyone. Go out have a walk in the park, buy yourself something nice or eat something nice, you will feel much better and appreciated. Dont feel guilty for that, your babies will feel happier too
Your babies need their mommy to be happy and stress free ❤️ What you’re feeling is completely valid. Being under-appreciated can be a sad feeling. Maybe try talking to your husband about this?
Do what u like and try to be happy yourself. Don’t think about others appreciation. Also don’t think it’s a duty. It’s your life and try to live with joy and happiness.