6 week scan
I just went for my first check-up at KKH yesterday at 6 weeks but scan only showed a gestational sac (1.2cm) with no yolk sac or foetal pole. They scheduled another appt in two weeks to check again but i'm really anxious,has anyone experienced this before?

On 14 Feb I found out I was pregnant. First day of my last menstrual period was 7 Jan. Fixed an appt with KKH on 26 Feb and they scanned me at 5w4d.. not sure when I conceived. There was the yolk sac (the white portion in the black portion, that’s what I call it haha) and a fast-beating heartbeat though it was so, so tiny you can barely see it. I think it differs with every pregnancy. I’m sure you’ll see yours soon.
Read moreJust relax :) Is still too early for the scan . My first appointment at KK too, when am 5-6 weeks . The nurse told me the same thing ended up is all good . Is kind of worried and I couldn’t sleep during the night until my next consultation/scan with KK to ensure everything is good
Hi there its normal.. I had my scan same weeks with you and i only have the gestational sac best part they told me i might be having ectopic pregnancy did scan and asked me to come back again for another scan which is my first appointment with by OB dr. Dun worry still early..goodluck.
Yes happened to me before. Might be too early coz u may have conceived later than expected or u have a longer cycle. So it may not be week 6 yet. I understand the wait is torturing but stay hopeful. My baby now is 23 weeks :) cant wait to see her soon!
6 weeks is still very early into your pregnancy.. you’ll probably see more at 8 weeks.. in any case, the heartbeat can be seen only about 8 weeks onwards too.. all the best thou, hope you’ll have some good news on your next scan!
Most likely you'll only see a gestational sac at wk6 via ultrasound scan. There's a chance to see the small yolk sac and heartbeat with trasvaginal scan. Just relax. Wk8 scan shall be able to show you that.
Hi mummy. It is normal to be anxious. I was too when I had my 5 wks scan and no foetus yet. Only sac but at 8 wks scan I can see the foetus and heart. So just try be positive okay? Congrats!
How was your next scan? Did you manage to see and hear heartbeat?
Unfortunately no,the sac was still empty at the next scan so the doctor confirmed it as a missed miscarriage...
might be too early, wait till 8 weeks
6 weeks is still very early. No worries!