I am thinking of adopting a girl child. What are some of the pros and cons of adoption? I have a biological child who is 2yrs old. Really admire people like Sushmita Sen for being so pro-adoption.

You know a friend of mine has a 7 year old daughter and she too is planning to adopt. Since, her husband requires a little time to prepare himself mentally, their plan is on hold for a while. Personally, I think it is a great idea, especially if you have no children or a single child. Firstly, what I believe is when a thought of adopting a child comes to your mind, then a thought connecting to it that it you are doing a great deed and you are doing a great service towards the society. I think by adopting a child, we do a great service to ourselves. Because, primarily we think of adopting for our own personal reasons and that may be having a single child or no child. I am sure your intentions are as pure but I was just putting a thought across, because when my friend put forward her idea of adoption, many sitting there said, "That is great. You are going to do great favour to the child." See, the chances of not everyone accepting the child can be there, and that can affect you majorly when you see that your child is not being loved and cared after. Ya, you cannot force everyone in the family to behave as you want but make sure that at least your husband and you are on the same page when it comes to adoption. He too should be as willing as you are, else it will bring rift between you too and child too will suffer. As I mentioned my friend has a daughter too, but the good part is that the girl too wants a baby sister. So, half of the battle is won if your child wants a new baby in the home. There are pros and cons to have a biological baby as well, if you think that way. Now, that you have made up your mind, all will have to face are challanges and that are there in each and every relationship and this would be no different. :)
Read moreYour idea of adopting a child is really great but at the same time you need to take into account that the entire family needs to be comfortable with this decision of yours. You need to have a frank conversation with the entire family, extended family and your little daughter. Once you adopt a child you cannot do injustice to her. She will be "your" child and at any point in time shouldn't be made to feel that she is not your biological child. You need to prepare everyone mentally for this process, especially your daughter who might resent the new member if not told about it properly.
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