Wife First Time Pregnant

I am thinking of going to kkh, was thinking of the subsides and private, which one shld i go? What are the pros and cons. What do you all recommend? And for bed wise, which type shld i choose A, B1 or B2?

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Thành viên VIP

Recently I asked the doctor if I could opt for A ward under the subsidies scheme they say I have to be under the private scheme. She suggested for the first few check up I go under subsides when choosing the ward I change to private (that is only if you’re not choosy about a doctor). For private the waiting time is a lot shorter, Nurses & doctor will more friendlier (maybe is because there are lesser private patient ?) doctor will always be the same for every check up you go to so the doctor will know more on your case. 1 check up is ard $80- $120 per consultation For Subsidise you have to queue for quite awhile and the Nurses & doctor are not really very patient as most of them it is full house at the waiting area. Diff doctor at every check up. Consultation price is a lot lesser than private. My first kid was under private but I didn’t get the doctor to deliver him as I find that it was not a need I stayed in B2 ward which mostly can be paid by Medisave. My second kid currently I will be taking the advise from the doctor to change to a private doctor to get the A ward but of course mostly cash to be paid after the stay.

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Under subsidized at kk, my first trimester bill was already $600. I had 1 visit to O&G, 1 father blood test, 1 first trimester scan (FTS), no harmony test. If there are no complications, subsidized is okay. Otherwise go private for about twice the price but get a dedicated doc. My first scan was in week 7, thankfully by then we could detect the heartbeat. Some other ladies had their first scan at week 5 / 6, which is too early to detect heartbeat so may be a bit no point. Do ask about dietary restrictions and supplements. For folic acid, if you don't want the high dose offered by KK, can always buy your own folic acid outside e.g. blackmore. Not sure why KK never bring in another folic acid supply of a more moderate dosage.

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If you on budget = go KKH more cheaper, but service not as good and not as fast. Be prepared to wait & it's Crowded. KKH staff in my opinion not polite also. If you got budget = Go private - Mount Alvernia or Thomson Medical are 2 Popular Private choices. My wife delivered at Mount Alvernia, after all subsidies for Single ward, we paid around 4K+ to 5K. We got swift and good customer service which you won't get in KKH. If you got More Budget = Go Mount Elizabeth Or GlenEagles. Their service is equivalent to Hotel hospitality standards. So it depends how deep your pockets are and how much you & your wife willing to spend😂

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4y trước

If you worry about cash flow, ensure both your Credit cards have available credit limit of $6000 or more -that should be more than enough to pay for the stay at Mount Alvernia or Thomson Medical, the hospital bill will only come 2 weeks to a month later.

Thành viên VIP

Subsidise is wayy cheaper but u cnt choose a fixed gynae, and u cn only choose ward b2+ or C. Pvt u cn choose the gynae u want and u cn pick A ward or B1.. it all depends on what u think is more impt ok

4y trước

No. They won’t ask you to pay the difference. I did all the essential test under KKH subsidy, then swop over to private towards to end. The down side is I cannot choose the AP prof I wanted. I got an associate consultant.

You may want to consider Parkway East. The price is quite reasonable, not that ex. My children were born there several years ago.

Thành viên VIP

I Went through the subsided route and only became a private patient when I delivered in an A class ward

Thành viên VIP

Subsidised for price but will have diff doctors each visit and longer waiting time.

Thành viên VIP

Which bed depends on ur budget

kkh subside only c ward