I recently gave birth and found out today that my husband has been chatting online with all of his exes these last few weeks. (he hasn't been intouch with them for years). He also failed to mention to them that he is a new dad. When I asked him why, he says he doesn't want to hurt them. Am I unreasonable to feel upset about his behaviour?

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I don’t think it is unreasonable for you to feel upset. I will be too if I were in your shoes (not to mention those hormones in your system) because I don’t see how telling them that he is a new dad would upset them. Still, not sure of the whole picture (perhaps his exes are trying to get pregnant and have not been getting any success?). Regardless, as long as they are clear that he is married and nothing fishy is going on, I think you shouldn’t think too much into it. Take care of yourself and congrats on becoming a new mum! :)

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