Feeling weird

I just heard of baby at 4 months will have the first food tasting ceremony..buying roasted chicken drumstick for LO to taste..anyone had similar ceremony before? I am just concern about the oiliness of the roasted chicken for a 4mo stomach and intestine..although I can use the oil absorbent paper for cooking to remove some greasiness..

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Super Mom

Never heard of this before 😅 but if it's just to let baby lick the outside it's just a tiny amount so should be no problem. If they're letting baby take a bite then I'd be worried 😳

Heeeeh all my nephew and niece did that. But they just lick on the steam chicken instead of roasted. I think steam is best! I would also remove the oil by absorbing with paper towel too :)

4y trước

Noted thanks mummy!

My mom asked me t do the ceremony, just to let LO lick. I told her to make it instead of purchasing. She did say can push to 6 months instead, depending on my opinion.

Super Mom

Never heard of this before..in any case what about just steaming a drumstick? Although baby will most likely just be licking it

Super Mom

There may be MSG on the chicken which baby may be allergic to. Just standby antihistamines

Thành viên VIP

Steam chicken drumsticks just let them lick can liao. Is pass down by my grandmother

Super Mom

If the baby has antihistamines medicine please stand by.

didn't know there's such ceremony

Thành viên VIP

I didn't do this ceremony.