Preg & Wedding Tea Ceremony

Hi all, do you guys know anything about preg and accepting tea ceremony at the hotel? Will be attending my lil cousin's wedding in 2 weeks time and by then i will be in my 12 weeks. Im ok to attend the wedding but im not sure if im suppose to sit in for the tea ceremony.

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Super Mom

You will have to ask them if they mind. Usually red and red affair some will mind

Super Mom

Check if your family pantang or not. If no one knows or cares than go and enjoy.

I think it’s up to you. Usually the superstition is go or don’t at all.

I will avoid any celebration

Influencer của TAP

discuss with ur cousin ?

Thành viên VIP

To me, I don’t care. Just go for it

Super Mom

Should be fine if both sides not superstitious

Super Mom

Never hear any superstition on this . But better to check with the older generation folks