Fever & Pregnant

I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been having fever n flu for past 3 days. My gynae gave me panadol n i feel slightly better after taking once but i am still not 100% well. My concern is the baby in me. I am worried dont i wont turn out normal. What are ur say on this

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Panadol is usually safe if taken in moderation. But in first tri still good to ask the doctor more questions if you dont feel comfortable. Did you tell your gynae the kind of medication prescibed by the GP? My gynae will sometimes advice me to drop certain antihistamines and switch to another even though GP claim is safe. she just playing safe. Anytime you feel anything unusual just visit your gynae.

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Thành viên VIP

Eating paracetamol 500mg is ok. I also eat when I sick during pregnancy cause it’s too hard for me not to and I always get sick every 2 months after I get pregnant.

Thành viên VIP

Panadol is generally OK. So try and rest more and get more sleep. If you're still not feeling well next week do see the gynae again take care!

Thành viên VIP

Hi... no worries as your gynecologist has medical knowledge and experience. He/she won’t prescribe medications that will harm your baby

Thành viên VIP

I am going 15 weeks soon. I took paracetamol too. My flu has been going on for 5 days for now. But gynae said safe to take.

Panadol is fine. I took it when i was v sick. Was not well for abt a week. Just have lotsa rest n gws!

The best is to follow what the gynae says since they are the expert. Do rest more and drink more water

Thank you, this question help me too. As I also 7 weeks preggy and having fever and feeling heavy.

Super Mom

Paracetamol is safe for pregnancy and compatible with breastfeeding. Do take the flu vaccine too!

Super Mom

Paracetamol is safe for pregnancy and compatible with breastfeeding. Do take the flu vaccine too!